Intangible asset of your company

mployee. He/she is an intangible asset. That is only if every boss in the world know about it. I seldom hear from a boss word. He is complain about their employee performance. Well, I think if the boss can not help to improve their employee performance, or more over if employee is resign for any reasons, it means that company can not maintain their intangible asset. If employee turnover frequency high, there will be a big question. what is the real thing inside company? The most things they are concern related to customer, but forgot to maintain employee. They are only thing how to manage employee, but forgot to maintain it. Manage will be success if working together with maintain. While employee start think to resign, then it means company is failed. It is also late respond. If company not aware, they will lost their employee.

We can say that a company succeed if they can have a good relation between:
1. shareholders
2. Employees
3. Customers
4. suppliers
5. neighborhood
6. environmental

An employee is one of them. Have you maintain your employee?


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