real good

can say that the real good people is a people who say a good thing, in front of people they talk about, and also behind them. Yesterday I experienced 2 things that make me write this posting.

Some person in some place (with I stay around, in public area) say things and give her a very sweet smile. But suddenly after she is leave, the person said the opposite one. I do not like it at all. Sound like that she is better than anybody else.

I am not a perfect one too, so that is why I do not dare to say bad things about another person. Say a bad things with a good manner is much better.

Another type of person that we should avoid of is a person who said doing the good thing by smiling, but actually only doing for themself. It is not honest person. Too bad, but as I know many people is like that, everywhere. I am so sad, I found it also around me. I do not want to became one of them. So before I say something, I better think longer. Everythings had already said can not be revise suddenly.


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