My grateful on 7 June 2007

y grateful today:
1. Pain in my arm and my back because of tumors is reduce, so I can write and do activity more better
2. I can eat cap cay
3. I can read newspaper and my favorite novels
4. I can drink water
5. I can hear music
6. Tumor and leg pain post surgery are only attact me, not my parent. I can see my parent in health
7. I am in house, far away from hot of sun and cold of wind outside
8. I have a nice pillow to sleep
9. My laptop is still function
10. I am still have hair
11. I can see flower bloom
12. I am not in hospital
13. I can smell a delicious cookies baked
14. I have internet at home, so I do not need to queue in internet cafe
15. I still have 1 mobile phone function proper
16. I can enjoy take a bath
17. My CD walkman is still proper
18. I can enjoy drink a tea while see a butterfly and a bird fly
19. My mother sew 2 skirt for me
20. My brother call me from Bali


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