How to do regular check breast tumor by your own

here are four step to do the check. I hope every friend of mine read this and try. It is very important, if we notice first.
First step, stand in front of mirror, put your hand on your waist. Watch carefully on size, shape and colouralso nimple. You must see the doctor if see: few part in your breast skin is going inside (opo tepak e yo? nek boso jowo ne mendelep), wrinkle, rossy colour, abnormal position of nimple, retraction of nimple, wound that seems difficult to be cured or even abscess.

Second step, raise your hand. Then do observation like first step. Try to press the breast a little, if you see a liquid, do immidiately to doctor.

Third, lay down with hand below your head (with same side with the breast you wanna check). Right hand is for checking left breast. Vice Versa. Touch the entire breast with a circle moves. Make sure that every part of breast is check. Do it softly, smooth, but it can also reach deep (until you can fell bone below breast)

Last step, do the step three with sitting or standing. Some of women prefer do it while bath, because it is more easy to do.

Thank you for dr. Laksmi who give me approval write in here. I hope this information usefull for all my friend.


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