Type of boss

n news paper today, written by S. Mulia, there is an interesting title, about relationship between boss and employee.

1. Boss, which we can not trust his word. Tips for this situation: do not forget to make a note about his words. I said that, at least make a small note book, and not only record small things, but also big thing. Sometimes, boss like this can act amnesia.

2. Young Boss, which come back from abroad. They are sometimes easily angry and do not want to hear. Tips for this situation: it is not easy but sometimes they do not like if their employee know more than them. I said that, Just hide if you can do smart than him

3. Bos yang pelit (yang ini lebih manteb ngomong pake bahasa Indo campur Jawa). Wes kalo punya bos pelit, apa-apa itu ngeliatnya duit... terus.. poseng deh. Banyak curhat dari teman2 yang bilang, bos ku ini pelitnya minta ampun, malah pakai akses pegawai untuk kepentingannya. Wah.. tips nya sih cuman doa aja..

4. Boss which only have money oriented, in this kind of boss, as employee we have to be carefull. He is only believe on him self. He can dump you anytime he want. My comment, use your eyes and ear. For me, I do not scared even he is only believe on him self. as long as we, as an employee has do right things.

5. Unfriendly boss, he is usually can easily angry, not confidence. In working area, he is usually blame his employee. aaaaaa it is a very difficult situation. my comment on this situation, maybe you have to work smarter. The positive point from this situation, you can be more experience and expert in your work.

6. Bos penjilat (apa bahasa inggrisnya ya?) Dia ini rela banget dijadikan dayang2. Idih.. sampe segitunya. Biasanya bos yang kayak gini ga bakal bela2in pegawai lain. Yang penting dia selamat. Comment ku: mending jangan dekat2 deh.


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