Dutch Languange

Dutch is one of languange that I like to hear.

Because it is nice to hear in my ear.

I am very surprised that I am working in Dutch company.

I am hiding from every one that I can a little bit understand, not very good while I heard some body speak in Dutch. Sometimes it can be guess.

Usually I am trying to speak a little bit with my tante, my friend. But not in office. Because I am shy of my dutch languange.

Until I make a very stupid mistake...

I speak english with compare with only 1 dutch word to my director. So stupid of me... Until now I am still blame my self. I will dare speak a little bit if I am sure that my dutch is good.

Since I ever heard that even my english is not too good either.

But now I have a lot friend who can always correct me if I make mistake.

Thank you for Eric Neyndorf, Gerardus en Petra Noel

I have a very nice friend in Netherland...

Ik hope dat ik kan netherlands spreken beter dan nu


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